The Steendam organ from the Eben-Haëzerkerk in Apeldoorn

€ 299,-


play-buttonPLAY DEMO
F. van Tilburg - Komt laat ons voortgaan kindren

In October 2012, we recorded the Steendam organ from the Eben Haëzer Church in Apeldoorn for Hauptwerk.
This organ features 2 manuals and a full pedal.
Originally designed with 31 stops, but some of them are (yet) to be installed. For Hauptwerk, we have added the missing stops as much as possible.
Only available in the version for Hauptwerk 4.

About the builder

Orgelmakerij Steendam is located in Roodeschool in the province of Groningen, in the most northerly city in the Netherlands. Since 1986, Orgelmakerij Steendam has built, rebuilt, restored and renovated organs ranging from chest organs to three manual organs with independent pedal. The organs of the 19th century organ builder, C. G. F. Witte, his predecessor, Batz, and the organ builder Christiaan Muller stand centrally as inspiration for the organs of Orgelmakerij Steendam. This means that all work is performed using historical methods, with an eye to technical and musical details as already used for centuries of organ building.

In addition to organ building, Orgelmakerij Steendam also busies itself with the appraisal of organs, the construction of church furnishings (mostly in the context of organs) and, for two weeks per school year, Sicco Steendam is guest lecturer (organ building) at the Music Academy in Moscow. In the shop in Roodeschool organs up to 16 feet in any dimension are built. All drafting is carried out in their own shop, and this makes possible close consultation with the client and the fulfillment of almost every wish. Throughout, sight is never lost of the function that the organ is going to serve and the final result is attuned as much as possible to the building in which the organ is placed.

For Sicco Steendam the love of organs is number one. Contributing to the preservation and expansion of the rich organ treasure in the Netherlands and surrounding countries is a major motivator for this organ builder.

The Eben Haëzerkerk in Apeldoorn (1995)

The Eben-Haë zerkerk is one of the largest churches in Apeldoorn. The church building was opened on the sixth of October, 1995, and was built as instructed by a neighbourhood congregation established in 1979 and associated with the PKN. As such it is aligned with the Gereformeerde Bond. The building was conceived by Valk architects in Soest. In addition to the large auditorium with room for 750 to 800 persons, the building has a variety of halls where church meetings take place and where associations meet.

The Steendam orgel (1997)

On February 21, 1997, the Steendam Organ was inaugurated by Marcel van de Ketterij and Peter Eilander in a service for parishioners and other interested parties. At the time it was an instrument with 19 ranks and a fair number of prepared for ranks. In the mean time, 4 ranks have been added, namely the Open fluit 4' and the Sesquialter II to the Hoofdwerk and the Salicet 4' and the Dulciaan 8' to the Zwelwerk. As requested by the congregation it became a romantic instrument well suited to supporting congregational singing. A large part of the organ literature may also may be interpreted faithfully, in particular, romantic works, and not in the least because of the very effective swell.

The organ case, as well as other church furnishings, are made of ash. Because the organ builder and the architect of the church were able to collaborate at an early stage, the organ is one with the building. The facade is dominated by a stately central tower displaying the largest pipes of the Hoofdwerk. The upper pipe fields also indicate that the organ possesses a Bovenwerk. In Apeldoorn the situation is such that the pipe work of the Bovenwerk is placed in a swell box which may be operated by hand or by foot.

Permanent organists at the Eben-Haezer kerk are: Peter Eilander, Marcel van de Ketterij and Arie Kortleven.

Technical information

Wind pressure: 84 mm
Tuning: a' = ca. 440 Hz.
Temperament: Equal

About the recordings

Three channel technology
Sliders on the tab "speeltafel" (virtual console)

This sample set was recorded from different 3 positions in stereo (24 bit 96kHz).
The set comes with a 3 channel technique developed by Sygsoft which makes it possible for the listener to alter his listening position.
There are three positions, namely:
1: Front, recorded very close to the organ. Here you will hear a very direct recording well suited for studio purposes.
2: Middle, this recording was made from a distance approximately 3 x as far as the front recording.
3: Rear, far away from the organ, and useful for surround sound.
By means of 3 sliders (0 - 100%) one can mix these three positions according to taste.

Other details

The recordings for this sample set were made from October 8th to October 13th, 2012.
Recording quality: 96 kHz 24-bit, reduced to 48 kHz 24-bit for the set.
Number of microphones: 6
Estimated number of hours worked on this set: 2,200
Number of samples processed in this set: 29,665
Number of files in this set: 30,082 in 684 folders.
Number of lines in the Organ Definition File: 1,811,153
Number of kilometers driven for meetings, trial, and final recording: 900.

Division of the Work

Johan van der Waal van Dijk:
Processing of the samples and technical advice.

Christian Boogaard:
Noise reduction, adjusting the wind model, intonation, demos, and artistic advice.

Rietje Raatgeep:
Administration and PR.

Fred de Jong:
Layout, additional control samples, loops, ODF and overall management.

the Steendam organ from the Eben-Haëzerkerk in Apeldoorn

(green has been added for Hauptwerk)

Manual I:
Hoofdwerk C-g'''
Manual II:
Zwelwerk C-g'''
Pedal: C-f' Playing aids:
07-Open fluit
12 Fagot
3 ranks
2 ranks
3 - 4 ranks

1 1/2'



Coupler Pedal - Hoofdwerk
Coupler Pedal - Zwelwerk
Manual coupler
Tremulant Zwelwerk
Zweltrede Zwelwerk
Calcant (Motor-switch)

The tremulant works on the Zwelwerk. We have included the tremulant in its entirety.
Note that no. 10 Schalmey 8' is not present on the actual organ.
Since the tremulant also clearly affects the Hoofdwerk, we have recorded this effect as well, according to the following scheme:

01-Prestant 16':
02-Octaaf 8':
03-Roerfluit 8':
04-Quint 6':
05-Octaaf 4':
06-Roerquint 3':
07-Open fluit 4':
08-Octaaf 2':
12-Fagot 16':
13-Trompet 8':
No tremulant was recorded because the effect is barely noticeable.
From key 60 t/m 91.
From key 60 t/m 91.
Integral. (Not present on the actual organ.)
From key 48 t/m 91.
Integraal. (Not present on the actual organ.)
Integral. From key 60 t/m 91.
No tremulant recorded.
From key 65 t/m 91. (Not present on the actual organ.)
From key 48 t/m 91.

The organ has a swell pedal that operates the Swell division.

the Steendam organ from the Eben-Haëzerkerk in Apeldoorn


play-button     J.P. Kellner - Was Gott tut...
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
HW: Oct8; Oct4; Openfl4; sesq ZW: Pre8; Rfl4; Nas3; Gems2
PED: Sub16; Octb8
Front: 100
Middle: 100
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.P. Kellner - Was Gott tut...
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
HW: Oct8; Oct4; Openfl4; sesq
ZW: Pre8; Rfl4; Nas3; Gems2
PED: Sub16; Octb8
Front: 100
Middle: 0
Rear: 0
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.P. Kellner - Was Gott tut...
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
HW: Oct8; Oct4; Openfl4; sesq
ZW: Pre8; Rfl4; Nas3; Gems2
PED: Sub16; Octb8
Front: 0
Middle: 100
Rear: 0
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.P. Kellner - Was Gott tut...J.S. Bach - BWV 645
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
HW: Oct8; Oct4; Openfl4; sesq
ZW: Pre8; Rfl4; Nas3; Gems2
PED: Sub16; Octb8
Front: 0
Middle: 0
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.P. Kellner - Was Gott tut...
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
HW: Oct8; Oct4; Openfl4; sesq
ZW: Pre8; Rfl4; Nas3; Gems2
PED: Sub16; Octb8
Front: 100
Middle: 0
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.P. Kellner - Was Gott tut...
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
HW: Oct8; Oct4; Openfl4; sesq ZW: Pre8; Rfl4; Nas3; Gems2
PED: Sub16; Octb8
Front: 0
Middle: 100
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.P. Kellner - Was Gott tut...
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
HW: Oct8; Oct4; Openfl4; sesq ZW: Pre8; Rfl4; Nas3; Gems2
PED: Sub16; Octb8
Front: 100
Middle: 100
Rear: 0
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     G.F. Haendel - Fuga 1
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
HW: Oct8; Rfl8; Oct4; Oct2; Mix
ZW: Pre8; Hlp8; Rfl4; Nas3; Gems2
PED: Sub16; Ged8; Octb8; Baz16
KOP: Alle
Front: 100
Middle: 100
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.S. Bach - Preludium en Fuga BWV 545
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
HW: Pre16; Oct8; Rfl8; Oct4; Oct2; Mix
ZW: Pre8; Hlp8; Rfl4; Nas3; Gems2
PED: Sub16; Ged8; Octb8; Baz16
KOP: Man; Ped-Hw Fuga: + Trom8; + Sequalter
Front: 100
Middle: 100
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.S. Bach - Auf meinen lieben Gott
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
HW: Rfl8; Oct4; Opfl4; Oct2; Sesq
ZW: Pre8; Hlp8; Sal4; Rfl4; Nas3; Gems2
PED(c.f.): Ged8; Octb8
KOP: Ped-Hw
Front: 100
Middle: 100
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     F. Asma - Alle roem is uitgesloten
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
Front: 31
Middle: 100
Rear: 100
Organist: Christian Boogaard
play-button     G.F. Haendel Adagio
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
HW: Rf8; Ofl4; Sesq
ZW: Hp8; Rfl4; Tr
Ped: Sb16; Ged8; Ocb8
Ped-Zw; Man
Front: 100
Middle: 81
Rear: 50
Organist: Jaco van de Werken
play-button     G.F. Haendel Aria
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
HW: Rf8; Rq3
ZW: Gb8; Ce8
Ped: Sb16; Ged8; Ocb8
Front: 100
Middle: 81
Rear: 50
Organist: Jaco van de Werken
play-button     G.F. Haendel Aria uit Messiah
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
HW: Rf8; Of4; Tr
Ped: Sb16; Ged8
Front: 100
Middle: 81
Rear: 50
Organist: Jaco van de Werken
play-button     G.F. Haendel - Menuet D maj
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
HW: Rf8
ZW: Hp8; DU8
Front: 100
Middle: 81
Rear: 50
Organist: Jaco van de Werken
play-button     F. Mendelsohn Bartholdy - Allegretto Sonate 4
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
Front: 31
Middle: 100
Rear: 100
Organist: Christian Boogaard
play-button     J. Stanley - Voluntary
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
Stemming: Meantone6
Front: 100
Middle: 0
Rear: 0
Organist: Christian Boogaard
play-button     F. van Tilburg - Komt laat ons voortgaan kindren
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
Front: 31
Middle: 100
Rear: 100
Organist: Christian Boogaard
play-button     G.F. Haendel - Menuet D min
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
HW: Rf8; Ofl4
ZW: Hp8; Rfl4
Front: 24
Middle: 50
Rear: 100
Organist: Jaco van de Werken
play-button     G.F. Haendel - Trio uit watermusic
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
ZW: Hp8; Gh2
Front: 100
Middle: 81
Rear: 50
Organist: Jaco van de Werken
play-button     A. Guilmant - Sonate 1 Toccata
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
Front: 0
Middle: 34
Rear: 100
Organist: Christian Boogaard
play-button     Fish - A Short Prayer for the Bishop of Greenland
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
Front: 41
Middle: 100
Rear: 20
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     D. Buxtehude - Fuga in C
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
ZW: Roerfluit 4
Front: 41
Middle: 100
Rear: 22
Organist: Peter Eilander
play-button     J. Zwart - Psalm 75
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
Front: 41
Middle: 100
Rear: 50
Organist: Peter Eilander
play-button     G. Merkel - Schmücke dich o liebe Seele
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
ZW: HP8; FL4; Tremulant.
HW: RF8; OF4.
Front: 41
Middle: 100
Rear: 50
Organist: Peter Eilander
play-button     C. Cooman - Canzona III
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
Front: 41
Middle: 100
Rear: 40
Organist: Carson Cooman
play-button     M. Lo Muscio-Vocalise #1
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
ZW: HP8; GB8.
HW: OC8; SQ.
PED: SB16.
Front: 21
Middle: 100
Rear: 40
Organist: Carson Cooman
play-button     M. Lo Muscio - Vocalise #3
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
Front: 21
Middle: 100
Rear: 40
Organist: Carson Cooman
play-button     M. McCann - Organum
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
Front: 21
Middle: 100
Rear: 40
Organist: Carson Cooman
play-button     Dahl - Cornet Processional
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
Front: 21
Middle: 100
Rear: 40
Organist: Carson Cooman
play-button     Warren - Shalom
Temperament: Hauptwerk 4 recording
Front: 21
Middle: 100
Rear: 40
Organist: Carson Cooman

Download Information
the Steendam organ from the Eben-Haëzerkerk in Apeldoorn

Important : Before download, first read the comments below at "General".


Steendam-Apeldoorn-14.part01.CompPkg_Hauptwerk_rar MD5:
Checksum B9668A34F816EDA396C6EBD9A54CF5DB Size 3,8 GB

Steendam-Apeldoorn-14.part02.CompPkg_Hauptwerk_rar MD5:
Checksum 380296C57CCFDB65D27C42D24CA2CCBA Size 3,8 GB

Steendam-Apeldoorn-14.part03.CompPkg_Hauptwerk_rar MD5:
Checksum 99A735B53FE914C536CB3C902E16874E Size 3,8 GB

Steendam-Apeldoorn-14.part04.CompPkg_Hauptwerk_rar MD5:
Checksum 92494979D5191A7CF058022DA2B17ADA Size 3,8 GB

Steendam-Apeldoorn-14.part05.CompPkg_Hauptwerk_rar MD5:
Checksum 22798A2D5D77B351E7C37DF2C8F9A2F0 Size 3,8 GB

Steendam-Apeldoorn-14.part06.CompPkg_Hauptwerk_rar MD5:
Checksum F5C874FE053AE89C86E6DE2AF92E6020 Size 3,8 GB

Steendam-Apeldoorn-14.part07.CompPkg_Hauptwerk_rar MD5:
Checksum EE24C838628D92182D6AE959C8A78462 Size 3,5 GB


Important: Download the latest licensing packages file
Start Hauptwerk V (or higher) and install this file via the menu File | Install Organ, Temperament, or Impulse Response Reverb... Hauptwerk will 'learn' which protected sets are currently on the market.

For users of Hauptwerk 5 or higher:

  1. Make sure that Hauptwerk is not loaded.
  2. Open your iLok account and choose Licenses/Redeem Activation code and cut and paste the many-digit code into the screen.
  3. Activate your license to iLok Cloud or to the iLok dongle. In the latter case: then place the dongle on the Hauptwerk PC.
    It appears that this rule is not clear to everyone:
    • 3a: Go to your iLok account (log in if necessary) and select the sample set for which you want to enter the activation code.
    • 3b: At the top right of the iLok screen is a gray/green check mark.
      If you go over this with the mouse you will see the text "Activate licenses".
      Click on this check mark and you will see a new screen.
    • 3c: Click on Activate and Ok. Now the checkmark in the previous screen turns green.
    • 3d: Now double-click on the line you are working on and the screen that opens must show "License status active" on the top line.
    • 3e: If necessary, repeat the above for the eventualy other newly purchased organs.
  4. Restart Hauptwerk and you can install and use the organ.

Before download and install, note the following:

  1. Download all .CompPkg.Hauptwerk files.
  2. Load these files in the same folder and
  3. Do not change the file names and
  4. Do not unpack by hand.
  5. Check the MD5 checksums with the WinMD5 program, free to download from or
    If a checksum is incorrect, throw the wrong download file away from the PC and download that file again.
  6. Start Hauptwerk (File/Install organ....), select in the folder where you just downloaded the files the file with extension .CompPkg_Hauptwerk_rar in Hauptwerk's component installer.
    Hauptwerk automatically finds the other files.
  7. If you get error messages, scroll to the end of the log file (this opens automatically if something goes wrong when unpacking) to see what goes wrong.
    Usually a file is missing, or there is a file in the wrong folder or a file is damaged.
  8. Before loading the organ, first have a look at the system information regarding the expected memory usage etc.

Note: Please contact us via the Contact form if you encounter any issues; we will try to assist you.

System requirements
the Steendam organ from the Eben-Haëzerkerk in Apeldoorn

The computer

To play the full version of this sample set without restrictions requires a modern, fast computer with, for example, Windows 10 64 bit installed and around 12 GB of RAM.
Obviously Hauptwerk must also be installed with the latest version 5 (or higher) Advanced.
It is said that the best results are achieved using Apple-MacIntosh computers; however, we have no experience with this. It is difficult to make exact statements about what is needed. The "mother" website provides much information about this issue.
Please note: This information applies to the newest version of Hauptwerk.
This virtual Steendam organ can be downloaded. The set is protected with the Hauptwerk Protection System via the iLok account or dongle from your Hauptwerk program.
Below is a table of memory usage .
On other systems, these values can vary considerably! Please note that your Operating System also requires considerable memory.

The sound card

A good internal or external sound card. For more information go to: .

Manuals/keyboards/pedal òr complete organ with MIDI out

2 manuals/keyboards and a (at least 25 keys) pedal òr a complete electronic organ with MIDI out.
Beautiful consoles specifically designed for Hauptwerk are commercially available.
In the Netherlands these are available through, for example,

Those who are technically inclined can provide their keyboard with MIDI capability using hardware from, for example, WIRA, or MGB . We ourselves have done this using a Heyligers organ dating from around 1975 (using WIRA hardware). The conversion was about 300 Euro and everything has worked perfectly for years.


The superb sound quality of Hauptwerk is best experienced through high-quality headphones, such as AKG or Sennheiser.
We prefer connecting the sound card to a (possibly multi-channel) sound system. The above mentioned companies can also advise you on any purchases in this area.
What you definitely should not do is listen to Hauptwerk through the built-in speakers of the monitor or a set of €10 computer speakers!

Table of memory usage
the Steendam organ from the Eben-Haëzerkerk in Apeldoorn

Hauptwerk 5 (space needed on the hard drive is 37 GB)

The meaning of the columns:
A = Front, Middle or Rear samples loaded (1 channel)
B = Front + Middle, Front + Rear or Middle + Rear samples loaded (2 channels)
C = Front + Rear + Middle samples loaded (3 channels)
D = tremulant samples loaded
E = Combination samples loaded
F = compression applied
G = Bit rate pipe samples
H = Pipe samples sampling frequency (kHz)
I = Bit rate remaining samples
J = Sampling frequency other samples (kHz)
K = Multi release pipe samples
L = Multi release other samples
M = RAM usage, Operating System not included (GB)
N = Organ cache (GB)

De nrs. 1-2-3-4-5-6: 14 bit (it is possible to use, but we find that 14 bits provides insufficient quality).
De nrs. 7-8-9-10-11-12: 16 bit (slightly better, but still single release.)
De nrs. 13-14-15-16-17-18: the standard Hauptwerk loading mode: 16 bit, compressed and multi release.
De nrs. 19-20-21-22-23-24: 16 bit, uncompressed and multi release.
De nrs. 25-26-27-28-29-30: 24-bit, compressed and multi release.
De nrs. 31-32-33-34-35-36: the maximum attainable loading mode: 24-bit, uncompressed multi release. Of course there are many more variants, e.g., load the pipe samples in 24 bit and sounds in 16 bit, etc. If you need assistance, contact us via the Contact form .

nr. Definition A B C D E F G H I J K L M N
1 (14 bit) Absolute minimum of one channel without combinations and without recorded tremulant 14 48 14 48 2,0 1,6
2 (14 bit) Absolute minimum of one channel, combinations and recorded tremulant included 14 48 14 48 3,2 2,8
3 (14 bit) Absolute minimum with 2 channels without combinations and without recorded tremulant 14 48 14 48 3,5 3,1
4 (14 bit) Absolute minimum with 2 channels, combinations and recorded tremulant included 14 48 14 48 5,8 5,3
5 (14 bit) Absolute minimum of 3 channels without combinations and without recorded tremulant 14 48 14 48 5,1 4,6
6 (14 bit) Absolute minimum of three channels, combinations and recorded tremulant included 14 48 14 48 8,6 8,1
nr. Definition A B C D E F G H I J K L M N
7 (16 bit) with one channel, without combinations and without recoded tremulant 16 48 16 48 2,4 2,0
8 (16 bit) with one channel, combinations and recorded tremulant included 16 48 16 48 4.0 3.5
9 (16 bit) with 2 channels, without combinations and without recorded tremulant 16 48 16 48 4,4 4,0
10 (16 bit) with 2-channel, combinations and recorded tremulant included 16 48 16 48 7,5 7,0
11 (16 bit) with 3 channels, without combinations and without recorded tremulant 16 48 16 48 6,4 5,9
12 (16 bit) with three channels, with combinations and recorded tremulant 16 48 16 48 11,2 10,7
nr. Definition A B C D E F G H I J K L M N
13 (16 bit) multi release with 1 channel without combinations and without recorded tremulant 16 48 16 48 3,4 3,0
14 (16 bit) multi release with one channel with combinations and recorded tremulant 16 48 16 48 5,6 5,2
15 (16 bit) multi release with 2 channels without combinations and without recorded tremulant 16 48 16 48 6,5 6,1
16 (16 bit) multi release with 2 channels with combinations and recorded tremulant 16 48 16 48 11,0 10,5
17 (16 bit) multi release with 3 channels without combinations and without recorded tremulant 16 48 16 48 9,6 9,1
18 (16 bit) multi release with 3 channels with combinations and recorded tremulant 16 48 16 48 11,2 10,6
nr. Definition A B C D E F G H I J K L M N
19 (16 bit) multi release with 1 channel without combinations and without recorded tremulant 16 48 16 48 4,9 3,0
20 (16 bit) multi release with 1 channel and combinations and recorded tremulant 16 48 16 48 8,2 5,2
21 (16 bit) multi release with 2 channels without combinations and without recorded tremulant 16 48 16 48 9,5 6,0
22 (16 bit) multi release with 2 channels with combinations and recorded tremulant 16 48 16 48 16,1 10,5
23 (16 bit) multi release with 3 channels without combinations and without recorded tremulant 16 48 16 48 13,8 9,1
24 (16 bit) multi release with 3 channels and with combinations and recorded tremulant 16 48 16 48 23,7 15,8
nr. Definition A B C D E F G H I J K L M N
25 (24 bit) multi release with 1 channel without combinations and without recorded tremulant 24 48 24 48 6,1 5,6
26 (24 bit) multi release with 1 channel with combinations and recorded tremulant 24 48 24 48 10,4 9,9
27 (24 bit) multi release with 2 channels without combinations and without recorded tremulant 24 48 24 48 12,0 11,4
28 (24 bit) multi release with 2 channels with combinations and recorded tremulant 24 48 24 48 20,6 20,0
29 (24 bit) multi release with 3 channels without combinations and without recorded tremulant 24 48 24 48 17,8 17,1
30 (24 bit) multi release with 3 channels with combinations and recorded tremulant 24 48 24 48 30,9 30,1
nr. Definition A B C D E F G H I J K L M N
31 (24 bit) multi release with 1 channel without combinations and without recorded tremulant 24 48 24 48 9,3 5,6
32 (24 bit) multi release with 1 channel with combinations and recorded tremulant 24 48 24 48 15,9 9,8
33 (24 bit) multi release with 2 channels without combinations and without recorded tremulant 24 48 24 48 18,5 11,4
34 (24 bit) multi release with 2 channels with combinations and recorded tremulant 24 48 24 48 30,9 20,0
35 (24 bit) multi release with 3 channels without combinations and without recorded tremulant 24 48 24 48 27,1 17,1
36 (24 bit) multi release with 3 channels with combinations and recorded tremulant 24 48 24 48 46,9 30,1
Screen layout
the Steendam organ from the Eben-Haëzerkerk in Apeldoorn

Tab A : Foto's (Photos)

This page shows the front of the organ and if you click on the photo you will see the key-desk which is positioned to the left of the organ as seen from within the sanctuary.

Tab B : Speeltafel (Console)
The virtual console

The arrangement of the draw knobs was designed by Steendam. The LEDs indicate which tremulant combination was chosen.
With the slides Front, Middle and Rear, you can adjust the relationship between the various channels and thereby determine your listening position. Should you prefer a more direct sound then assign a higher value to Front and a lesser value to middle and rear. Should you prefer a more indirect sound, then assign a larger value to middle and rear.
The fourth slide is the swell pedal.

Above the keyboards, you will find the 5 tremulant combinations for the Swell and a corresponding Reset. Beside the Violon 16' you will find a button "12" which turns on the Violon 10 2/3' and next to the Bazuin 16' you will find the Bazuin 32'. Both are copies. As was already mentioned above, Steendam made provision for the ranks that are underlined but they have not (yet) been installed. To at least give you an impression of how the organ will sound someday, we added them by deriving them from other ranks.
The buttons 12 and 32 turn on the Violon 10 2/3' and the Bazuin 32' respectively. This is one of our inventions and these stops will never be added to the organ.
The button labelled "Calcant" turns the blower on as well as the lighting for the music rack.

Since the pedal is not visible on this page, green LEDs serve as indicators.

Tab C : Schakelaars (Switches)

Most of the elements on this page need not be visible, but for those who are interested, it gives some impression of all that has to happen to get a sample set of this size working. Just think that behind each (manual) key there reside 56 long, 56 long release, 56 middle release and 56 short release samples.

The "Auto combination" button switches on and off the only tremulant combination recorded for the hoofdwerk.

The "Trem. recorded" and "Trem. Hauptwerk" buttons work together with the Hauptwerk logo on the "Speeltafel" page to switch between the recorded tremulant and Hauptwerk's electronic tremulant. Refer to the explanation (Hauptwerk tremulant system) under Features above.

In addition, you will find the buttons "Trekker geluid" (Tracker noise) and "Toets geluid" (Key noise) which are self explanatory.

Tab D : Wind (Wind Supply)
Model of Wind Supply

On this page you will find a schematic representation of the wind supply for this organ.
With various sliders you can regulate the wind going to the bellows and various wind chests.
With the "R" or reset button, you can return to the arrangement which in our opinion gives the best results. With the button labelled "Sygsoft" located underneath to the right you can reset all 6 sliders at once.

Should you decide not to load the complete sample set (e.g., your computer's RAM memory is insufficient and you decide not to load the Rear samples) then reduce the wind supply by 33% thus reducing the sensitivity of the organ's wind supply to less than that of the actual instrument. In that case go to Organ settings/Organ preferences/Wind supply model and choose a value of around 150. In case you have loaded only a single position, e.g., "Middle" (thus reducing wind needs by 66%) then you should adjust this value to around 300 to achieve the same result. Of course you can select whatever value you wish should you not like the response of the organ.
By means of the checkmark on the wind-supply-model page you can turn off the complete wind supply.

Special features

Recorded tremulant combinations

Because combined tremulant samples are never in phase, we have recorded some frequently uses Tremulant-voice combinations namely from the Hoofdwerk:
Combinatie I: Octaaf 8'; Roerfluit 8'; Open Fluit 4' and Cornet.
This switches in automatically (only with tremulant) if these voices are selected.
Should you not wish this automatic switching to go into effect, go the the menu item"Couplers" and select in the column "Hoofdwerk" the button marked "Auto combination."
The LEDs under the drawknobs indicate whether the combinations are in effect.

Figure 3: Combination Hoofdwerk

For the swell we recorded 5 Tremulant-voice combinations: By means of the buttons marked by a red arrow (See figure 2) you may select these combinations. Here also, the LEDs under the drawknobs indicate which combination is chosen.


Combination I:
Combination II:
Combination III:
Combination IV:
Combination V:
Reset the last chosen combination.
Nasard 3'; Roerfluit 4' and Holpijp 8'
Gemshoorn 2'; Nasard 3'; Roerfluit 4' and Holpijp 8'
Dulciaan 8'; Roerfluit 4' and Holpijp 8'
Roerfluit 4'; Holpijp 8' and Gamba 8'
Roerfluit 4'; Holpijp 8'; Gamba 8' and Prestant 8'

Figure 4: Combinations Zwelwerk (Combination II on)

Recorded tremulant or Hauptwerk tremulant:
Fig.5: Hauptwerk tremulant
Fig.6: Recorded tremulant

Because recording the samples with tremulant made the sample set almost twice as large, we have also supplied the organ with an old fashioned Hauptwerk tremulant. For all voices recorded with tremulant, 2 samples per key were made. Should you wish to not load the complete set, because it demands too much memory from your computer, you can begin by omitting all ranks whose names end in "Trem." After loading, click on the "TR" button near the tremulant (the button must be blue, see fig. 5) and you will hear the Hauptwerk tremulant. Remember that now you cannot use any of the recorded tremulant combinations (see heading 6B). Now, via voicing, you can adjust the tremulant according to personal taste. Remember that all adjustments must be carried out 3 times for Front, Middle and Rear. To reach the correct voicing page, right click on the relevant buttons on the page "Schakelaars".

You listen to the Steendam organ from the Eben-Haëzerkerk in Apeldoorn