Het Lohman orgel van de Catharijnekerk in Heusden

€ 349,-


play-buttonPLAY DEMO

J.S. Bach - 6 Schübler Chorale BWV 645-650

In January 2014, we recorded the Lohman organ in the Grote or St. Catharinakerk in Heusden, in the Province of North Brabant.
The well-known Lohman organ from 1824/1828 has 29 stops distributed across 2 manuals and a pedal.
As usual, the sample set is released using multi-release technique on all stops.

The Great or Catharijnekerk

Until 1944, an organ with Hoofdwerk, Rugpositief and Pedal stood in Catharijne Church. Built in 1840 by C.F.A. Naber from Deventer, it was lost in 1944 when the tower collapsed as a result of war.
After using a "temporary organ" from the firm Valckx & Van Kouteren for more than 35 years, the Reformed Church, in December 1980, bought the organ from the former Broederenkerk in Zutphen. This organ was built between 1824 and 1828 by N.A. Lohman & Son and made use of the organ, placed there by AFG Heijneman, from the former Sint-Janskerk in Arnhem. The instrument originated in Huijse Schaffelaar in Barneveld.
The starting point for the design of the organ front in 1824 was the Lohman organ at Eenrum (Gr.).
In 1894 the organ was cleaned and restored by J.F. Witte, and, amongst other work, the case was repainted, pipework was restored and some were provided with tuning cutouts (expressions). In 1938 the firm J.C. Sanders & Son carried out a restoration which included electrification of the pedal action and expansion of the Rugpositief. The dismantling in Zutphen and restoration and reconstruction in Heusden was carried out by Orgelmakerij Gebr.Reil Heerde, under the advice of Drs. J.J. van der Harst. The organ, as it was in 1828, was used as a starting point. Meanwhile the case was made about 1 m shallower.
The drawknobs installed by Sanders were replaced by Naber stop knobs, from the organ in the Alkmaar Sint Laurens Church. The carving around the feet and of the wings was redone, as well as the pinnacle. On Saturday, September 22, 1984 the organ in Heusden was officially inaugurated.

De Restoration 2007

In 1984, the company Reil restored the Lohman organ, which originated in the Broederenkerk in Zutphen and was moved to Heusden.
In the following years, the instrument was not well maintained and a movement began to restore the organ thoroughly.
Peter van Dijk was hired as a consultant on behalf of the Commission Organ Affairs of the PKN.
The local church stewards established the Commission for Organ Restoration, which included organists among its representatives.
In consultation with Peter van Dijk a recovery plan was established, after which tenders were prepared by a number of organ builders. The contract was awarded to the firm of Reil. The work included cleaning the interior and the organ pipes, repairing chests, checking all pipes, revoicing where necessary, and tuning of the entire instrument.
The voicing was reviewed by Wim Wagenaar, who had done this work in 1984! In the spring of 2007 the job was completed and advisor Peter van Dijk provided a festive inauguration on 26 May.
Reil has regained the responsibility for maintenance of this organ!

The Great or Catharijnekerk

Oudheusden has been inhabited since the 8th century. At that time, there was mention of a fortified place, a "Castle," at the Oude Maasje. This castle, which bore the name 'Nieuwenrooy', stood on the site where the current public school 'Nieuwenrooy', was built.
The church of Oudheusden after being destroyed several times since the French period was not rebuilt. Because the course of the Meuse is increasingly shifting northward, it already created in the 12th century the need to build a fortified place elsewhere.
In the immediate vicinity of the castle the fortified town of Heusden established itself over the centuries. Already in the year 1210, mention is made of a church in Heusden. What the church looked like is not known. What was left, namely the tower built in Romanesque style, was destroyed in 1944. In 1328 the church was extended with a north and south aisle. There was also a choir in Gothic style.
In 1555 a transept replaced the north aisle and three bays were constructed in alternating layers of brick and stone. Here we still find decorations in Gothic style.
A city-wide fire in 1572 destroyed large parts of the church. Starting in 1579 a thorough restoration ensued.
The side choir, probably built in 1412, was torn down in 1628. The location of this side choir is still visible in the masonry. In the years 1637-1639 the choir was renewed.
The tower was blown up during the nights of November 4 to 5, 1944 by retreating German troops. The western part of the church was also destroyed. After the war, the church, on its west side, was closed in and restored. The tower, the western chapels and the devastated bays were not rebuilt.
The circumference of the foundation is visible in the pavement. In the church one can find, in addition to beautiful gravestones and signs from the 16th and 17th centuries, bells from 1334, 1501 and 1518. A bell from 1412 now hangs in the turret.
The mausoleum of the Baron Van Friesheim, Governor of Heusden from 1711-1733, dates from 1733 and is very beautiful. The design of this tomb is by Jacob Marot and the sculptor was Jan Baptist Xaverij.

Technical information

Wind pressure: 70 mm
Tuning: a' = ca. 435 Hz. (Hauptwerk 428,4 Hz.)
Temperament: Werckmeister III. (Of course in Hauptwerk this can be switched to equal temperament or another temperament)

Tremulant Hoofdwerk:
This tremulant works on most voices of the Hoofdwerk. With the exception of the Bourdon 16' and Mixtuur, all voices were recorded in full. But let it be noted that the Flute 4' and the Trumpet 16' are not present on the real organ.

Tremulant Rugpositief:
This tremulant works on the Rugpositief. Only the Praestant 8' disc. and Dulciaan 8' were recorded. Hauptwerk provides a tremulant for the remaining voices.

About the recordings

Three channel technology
Schuifjes op de tab "speeltafel"

This sample set was recorded from three positions in stereo (24 bit 96kHz). The set comes with a Sygsoft devised 3-channel technique whereby the user may set the listening position themselves. There are 3 positions, namely : 1: Front, recorded very close to the organ. This provides a very direct recording that is useful for study purposes. 2: Centre (Middle), this recording was made at about 3 times the distance used in the front recording. 3: Rear, recorded far from the organ is used as surround. Through three sliders (0-100%), a mix can be made of the three positions that is to your liking.

Comments on the two tremulants
The hoofdwerk has no tremulant; however, we were still able to record (almost) all the voices of this division with tremulant via a trick invented by the organist: by depressing some 20 keys simultaneously (without any stops drawn) on the Rugpositief, the tremulant is transmitted to the Hoofdwerk.

Unfortunately, the tremulant on the Rugpositief does not start when air consumption is low. Thus we only managed to record the Praestant 8' and the Dulciaan 8' with tremulant. To the rest we were forced to apply the "Hauptwerk" tremulant. We extracted the required waveforms by recording several three-note chords for each of the corresponding voices.

Other details

The recordings for this sample set were made in January 2014.
Recording quality 96 kHz, 24 bit. The set is reduced to 48 kHz 24 bit.
Number of microphones: 6
Number of samples processed in this set: 25,350
Number of files in this set 25,138 in 578 folders.
Number of lines in the Organ Definition File: 1,384,362

Division of the Work

Johan van der Waal van Dijk:
Processing of the samples and technical advice.

Christian Boogaard:
Noise reduction, adjusting the wind model, intonation, demos, and artistic advice.

Rietje Raatgeep:
Administration and PR.

Fred de Jong:
Layout, additional control samples, loops, ODF and overall management.

the Lohman organ from the Catharijnekerk in Heusden

(green has been added for Hauptwerk)

Manual I: Hoofdwerk
C-f''' (Hauptwerk g''')
Manual II: Rugpositief
C-f''' (Hauptwerk g''')
Pedal: C-d' (Hauptwerk f') Playing aids:
03-Viola di Gamba
10-Vox Humana
3' (2 2/3')
4 ranks
8' B/D
3 - 4 ranks
8' B/D
8' Bas Disc.
2 ranks
8' B/D
2 2/3'
6' (5 1/3')
Coupler Pedal - Hoofdwerk
Coupler Pedal - Rugpositief
Manual coupler
Tremulant Hoofdwerk
Tremulant Rugpositief
Calcant (Motor-switch)
Shutoff Hoofdwerk (not in Hauptwerk)
Shutoff Rugwerk (not in Hauptwerk)
Shutoff Pedal (not in Hauptwerk)

Comments on the two tremulants
The hoofdwerk has no tremulant; however, we were still able to record (almost) all the voices of this division with tremulant via a trick invented by the organist: by depressing some 20 keys simultaneously (without any stops drawn) on the Rugpositief, the tremulant is transmitted to the Hoofdwerk.
This tremulant works on most voices of the Hoofdwerk. With the exception of the Bourdon 16' and Mixtuur, all voices were recorded in full. But let it be noted that the Flute 4' and the Trumpet 16' are not present on the real organ.

Unfortunately, the tremulant on the Rugpositief does not start when air consumption is low. Thus we only managed to record the Praestant 8' and the Dulciaan 8' with tremulant. To the rest we were forced to apply the "Hauptwerk" tremulant. We extracted the required waveforms by recording several three-note chords for each of the corresponding voices.

the Lohman organ from the Catharijnekerk in Heusden



play-button     J. Zwart - Psalm 146
Temperament: Unknown
Windmodel: 100
Front: 15
Middle: 30
Rear: 100
Organist: Christian Boogaard
play-button     F. van Tilburg - Halleluja Lofgezongen
Temperament: Unknown
Windmodel: 100
Front: 15
Middle: 31
Rear: 100
Organist: Christian Boogaard
play-button     F. Asma - Hollandse Rhapsodie
Temperament: Unknown
Windmodel: 100
Front: 15
Middle: 31
Rear: 100
Organist: Christian Boogaard
play-button     J.S. Bach - Fuga Gigue
Temperament: Unknown
Windmodel: 100
Front: 100
Middle: 0
Rear: 0
Organist: Christian Boogaard
play-button     J.P. Sweelinck - Onder een linde groen
Temperament: Meantone 6e comma

Windmodel: 100
Front: 100
Middle: 50
Rear: 100
Organist: Fred de Jong
play-button     J. Pachelbel - Herzlich-tut-mich-verlangen
Temperament: Meantone 6e comma

Windmodel: 100
Front: 22
Middle: 36
Rear: 100
Organist: Fred de Jong
play-button     B. Kruis - Allegro Psalm 75 a la Haendel
Temperament: Equal

Windmodel: 100
Front: 69
Middle: 0
Rear: 100
Organist: Christian Boogaard
play-button     C. Kee - Fantasie Toccata Psalm 24
Temperament: Equal

Windmodel: 100
Front: 31
Middle: 72
Rear: 100
Organist: Christian Boogaard
play-button     D. Buxtehude - Fuga in C
Temperament: Meantone 6e comma
Ingespeeld op de Steendam set.
Windmodel: 100
Front: 41
Middle: 100
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.S. Bach - Prealudium und Fuga BWV 545
Temperament: Silbermann
Ingespeeld op de Steendam set.
Windmodel: 100
Front: 50
Middle: 69
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.C. Kellner - Was Gott tut das Ist Wohlgetan
Temperament: Silbermann
Ingespeeld op de Steendam set.
Windmodel: 100
Front: 50
Middle: 69
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     G.F.Haendel - Fuga
Temperament: Silbermann
Ingespeeld op de Steendam set.
Windmodel: 100
Front: 50
Middle: 69
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.S. Bach - Pastorale BWV 590
Temperament: Silbermann

Windmodel: 100
Front: 50
Middle: 69
Rear: 100
Organist: Fred de Jong
play-button     J.S. Bach - Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme BWV 645
Temperament: (Org.) Werkmeister III
Windmodel: 100
Front: 29
Middle: 50
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.S. Bach - Wo soll ich fliehen hin? BWV 646
Temperament: (Org.) Werkmeister III
Windmodel: 100
Front: 29
Middle: 50
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.S. Bach - Wer nun den lieben Gott läßt walten BWV 647
Temperament: (Org.) Werkmeister III
(cf)POS: RF4+
Windmodel: 100
Front: 29
Middle: 50
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.S. Bach - Meine Seele erhebet den Herren BWV 648
Temperament: (Org.) Werkmeister III
Windmodel: 100
Front: 29
Middle: 50
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.S. Bach - Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ BWV 649
Temperament: (Org.) Werkmeister III
PED: SB16,WG8;PR16
Windmodel: 100
Front: 29
Middle: 50
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.S. Bach - Kommst du nun, Jesu, vom Himmel herunter BWV 650
Temperament: (Org.) Werkmeister III
(cf)POS:RF4;WF2;FL1;PR2 +
Windmodel: 100
Front: 29
Middle: 50
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.S. Bach - 6 Schübler Chorale BWV 645-650
Temperament: (Org.) Werkmeister III
Windmodel: 100
Front: 29
Middle: 50
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     N. Bruhns - Preludium e klein
Temperament: (Org.) Werkmeister III

Windmodel: 100
Front: 29
Middle: 50
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.L. Krebs - Trio Es dur
Temperament: (Org.) Werkmeister III
Windmodel: 100
Front: 50
Middle: 60
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     D. Buxtehude - Passacaglia D Moll BUXWV 161
Temperament: (Org.) Werkmeister III

Windmodel: 100
Front: 50
Middle: 60
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.S. Bach - Allein zu dir herr Jesu Christ Deest 27
Temperament: (Org.) Werkmeister III

Windmodel: 100
Front: 50
Middle: 60
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.S. Bach - Trio super Auf meinen lieben Gott
Temperament: (Org.) Werkmeister III
Windmodel: 100
Front: 50
Middle: 60
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     J.S. Bach - Trio super was Gott tut das ist Wohlgetan
Temperament: (Org.) Werkmeister III

Windmodel: 100
Front: 50
Middle: 60
Rear: 100
Organist: Gerard de Wit
play-button     O. Janner - Chaconne in C
Temperament: (Org.) Werkmeister III
Windmodel: 100
Front: 29
Middle: 50
Rear: 100
Organist: Carson Cooman
play-button     N. Steinsland - Saltarello
Temperament: (Org.) Werkmeister III
Windmodel: 100
Front: 29
Middle: 50
Rear: 100
Organist: Carson Cooman
play-button     N. Steinsland - Omvendt ekko
Temperament: Original
Windmodel: 100
Front: 29
Middle: 50
Rear: 100
Organist: Carson Cooman
play-button     N. Steinsland - Koral e frygisk
Temperament: Original
Windmodel: 100
Front: 29
Middle: 50
Rear: 100
Organist: Carson Cooman
play-button     N. Steinsland - Invention d minor
Temperament: Original
Windmodel: 100
Front: 29
Middle: 50
Rear: 100
Organist: Carson Cooman
play-button     N. Steinsland - Invention C major
Temperament: Original
Windmodel: 100
Front: 29
Middle: 50
Rear: 100
Organist: Carson Cooman
play-button     J. Leijon - In memoriam
Temperament: Original
Windmodel: 100
Front: 29
Middle: 50
Rear: 100
Organist: Carson Cooman
play-button     L. Graap - Adeste fideles Fantasie
Temperament: Original
Windmodel: 100
Front: 29
Middle: 50
Rear: 100
Organist: Carson Cooman
play-button     R. Gaar - Präludium in G minor
Temperament: Original
Windmodel: 100
Front: 29
Middle: 50
Rear: 100
Organist: Carson Cooman

Download Information
the Lohman organ from the Grote or Catharijnekerk in Rotterdam

Important: The following files cannot be used in Hauptwerk version 4 or older versions.
Before you proceed with installation, please read the notes under 'General' at the bottom of this page.

Improved version 2020-01-14
We recommend that you fully uninstall the previous version(s). You can keep any combinations and audio routing you have made.
With the new version Hauptwerk 5 the wind model is a bit too "aggressive". To reach the old HW 4 situation, go to Hauptwerk to Organ settings/Organ Preferences/Wind Supply Model tab and choose a value of approximately 75 for "Windmodel modulation depth adjustment%".

Download files:

Lohman-Heusden.part1.CompPkg_Hauptwerk_rar MD5:
Checksum B73EEE55EC3AB4311B8E0D17A20D269F Size 3,8 GB

Lohman-Heusden.part2.CompPkg_Hauptwerk_rar MD5:
Checksum 1EC628B302D037F08B32A51C85C3F598 Size 3,8 GB

Lohman-Heusden.part3.CompPkg_Hauptwerk_rar MD5:
Checksum 0067BC6D71F2F6BC5974A92410C572CF Size 3,8 GB

Lohman-Heusden.part4.CompPkg_Hauptwerk_rar MD5:
Checksum 6073A99A467E286C10F58AE9C85AFE00 Size 3,8 GB

Lohman-Heusden.part5.CompPkg_Hauptwerk_rar MD5:
Checksum 123D1181A621A5394237315F3ACDD088 Size 3,8 GB

Lohman-Heusden.part6.CompPkg_Hauptwerk_rar MD5:
Checksum CE34C52ACC3BEF43335BF63820E793F4 Size 1,5 GB


Important: Download the latest licensing packages file https://www.hauptwerk.com/licensingpackages/
Start Hauptwerk V (or higher) and install this file via the menu File | Install Organ, Temperament, or Impulse Response Reverb... Hauptwerk will 'learn' which protected sets are currently on the market.

For users of Hauptwerk 5 or higher:

  1. Make sure that Hauptwerk is not loaded.
  2. Open your iLok account and choose Licenses/Redeem Activation code and cut and paste the many-digit code into the screen.
  3. Activate your license to iLok Cloud or to the iLok dongle. In the latter case: then place the dongle on the Hauptwerk PC.
    It appears that this rule is not clear to everyone:
    • 3a: Go to your iLok account (log in if necessary) and select the sample set for which you want to enter the activation code.
    • 3b: At the top right of the iLok screen is a gray/green check mark.
      If you go over this with the mouse you will see the text "Activate licenses".
      Click on this check mark and you will see a new screen.
    • 3c: Click on Activate and Ok. Now the checkmark in the previous screen turns green.
    • 3d: Now double-click on the line you are working on and the screen that opens must show "License status active" on the top line.
    • 3e: If necessary, repeat the above for the eventualy other newly purchased organs.
  4. Restart Hauptwerk and you can install and use the organ.

Before download and install, note the following:

  1. Download all .CompPkg.Hauptwerk files.
  2. Load these files in the same folder and
  3. Do not change the file names and
  4. Do not unpack by hand.
  5. Check the MD5 checksums with the WinMD5 program, free to download from
    http://www.winmd5.com or http://www.fastsum.com
    If a checksum is incorrect, throw the wrong download file away from the PC and download that file again.
  6. Start Hauptwerk (File/Install organ....), select in the folder where you just downloaded the files the file with extension .CompPkg_Hauptwerk_rar in Hauptwerk's component installer.
    Hauptwerk automatically finds the other files.
  7. If you get error messages, scroll to the end of the log file (this opens automatically if something goes wrong when unpacking) to see what goes wrong.
    Usually a file is missing, or there is a file in the wrong folder or a file is damaged.
  8. Before loading the organ, first have a look at the system information regarding the expected memory usage etc.

Note: Please contact us via the Contact form if you encounter any issues; we will try to assist you.

System requirements
the Lohman organ from the Grote- or Catharijnekerk in Heusden

The computer

To play the full version of this sample set without restrictions requires a modern, fast computer with, for example, Windows 10 64 bit installed and around 12 GB of RAM.
Obviously Hauptwerk must also be installed with the latest version 5 (or higher) Advanced.
It is said that the best results are achieved using Apple-MacIntosh computers; however, we have no experience with this.
It is difficult to make exact statements about what is needed. The "mother" website
provides much information about this issue.
Please note: This information applies to the newest version of Hauptwerk.
This virtual Lohman organ can be downloaded. The set is protected with the Hauptwerk Protection System via the iLok account or dongle from your Hauptwerk program.
Below is a table of memory usage .
On other systems, these values can vary considerably! Please note that your Operating System also requires considerable memory.

The sound card

A good internal or external sound card. For more information go to: hauptwerk.com .

Manuals/keyboards/pedal òr complete organ with MIDI out

2 manuals or keyboards and a (possibly 30 keys) pedal òr a complete electronic organ with MIDI out.
Beautiful consoles specifically designed for Hauptwerk are commercially available.
In the Netherlands these are available through, for example,

Those who are technically inclined can provide their keyboard with MIDI capability using hardware from, for example, WIRA, MIDI-Hardware.com or MGB . We ourselves have done this using a Heyligers organ dating from around 1975 (using WIRA hardware). The conversion was about 300 Euro and everything has worked perfectly for years.


The superb sound quality of Hauptwerk is best experienced through high-quality headphones, such as AKG or Sennheiser.
We prefer connecting the sound card to a (possibly multi-channel) sound system. The above mentioned companies can also advise you on any purchases in this area.
What you definitely should not do is listen to Hauptwerk through the built-in speakers of the monitor or a set of €10 computer speakers!

Table of memory usage
the Lohman organ from the Catharijnekerk in Heusden

Hauptwerk 5 (space needed on the hard drive is e.g. 25 GB)

The meaning of the columns:
A = Number of loaded channels
B = Compression applied?
C = Bit rate Pipe samples
D = Multi-release pipe loaded?
E = Organ cache (GB)
F = RAM usage, Operating System not included (GB)

Please note that the stated values are an approximation !

De nrs. 1-2-3: (14 bit), single release compressed (a possibility but we think the quality is insufficient).
De nrs. 4-5-6: (14-bit), multi release uncompressed (a possibility but we think the quality is insufficient).
De nrs. 7-8-9: (16 bit), single release compressed (quality is somewhat better).
De nrs. 10-11-12: (16-bit), multi release compressed (the standard Hauptwerk loading mode).
De nrs. 13-14-15: (16 bit), multi release uncompressed.
De nrs. 16-17-18: (20-bit), multi release compressed.
De nrs. 19-20-21: (20 bit), multi release uncompressed.
De nrs. 22-23-24: (24-bit), multi release compressed (the maximum possible).
De nrs. 25-26-27: (24 bit), multi release uncompressed (the maximum possible).
There are of course many more variants, e.g. pipe samples loaded at 24 bit and sounds at 16 bit, etc.
If you're having trouble, send us your question by filling in the Contact form.

nr. Definition A B C D E F
1 (14 bit) with 1 channel loaded single release compressed 1 14 2,4 2,7
2 (14 bit) with 2 channels loaded single release compressed 2 14 4,6 5,0
3 (14 bit) with 3 channels loaded single release compressed 3 14 6,8 7,3
4 (14 bit) met 1 channel loaded multi release uncompressed (Standard Hauptwerk) 1 14 3,1 3,5
5 (14 bit) with 2 channels loaded multi release uncompressed (Standard Hauptwerk) 2 14 6,1 6,6
6 (14 bit) with 3 channels loaded multi release uncompressed (Standard Hauptwerk) 3 14 9,1 9,6
nr. Definition A B C D E F
7 (16 bit) with 1 channel loaded single release compressed 1 16 3,1 3,5
8 (16 bit) with 2 channels loaded single release compressed 2 16 6,3 6,7
9 (16 bit) with 3 channels loaded single release compressed 3 16 6,7 9,1
10 (16 bit) met 1 channel loaded multi release compressed (Standard Hauptwerk) 1 16 4,0 4,3
11 (16 bit) with 2 channels loaded multi release compressed (Standard Hauptwerk) 2 16 7,5 7,8
12 (16 bit) with 3 channels loaded multi release compressed (Standard Hauptwerk) 3 16 11,1 11,6
13 (16 bit) with 1 channel loaded multi release uncompressed 1 16 4,0 5,9
14 (16 bit) with 2 channels loaded multi release uncompressed 2 16 7,6 11,7
15 (16 bit) with 3 channels loaded multi release uncompressed 3 16 11,2 17,5
nr. Definition A B C D E F
16 (20 bit) with 1 channel loaded multi release compressed 1 20 5,6 6,0
17 (20 bit) with 2 channels loaded multi release compressed 2 20 11,4 12
18 (20 bit) with 3 channels loaded multi release compressed 3 20 17,2 17,9
19 (20 bit) with 1 channel loaded multi release uncompressed 1 20 5,6 11,4
20 (20 bit) with 2 channels loaded multi release uncompressed 2 20 11,4 22,4
21 (20 bit) with 3 channels loaded multi release uncompressed 3 20 17,2 33,3
nr. Definition A B C D E F
22 (24 bit) with 1 channel loaded multi release compressed 1 24 7,5 8,0
23 (24 bit) with 2 channels loaded multi release compressed 2 24 ?? ??
24 (24 bit) with 3 channels loaded multi release compressed 3 24 ?? ??
25 (24 bit) with 1 channel loaded multi release uncompressed 1 24 7,5 11,4
26 (24 bit) with 2 channels loaded multi release uncompressed 2 24 14,4 24,1
27 (24 bit) with 3 channels loaded multi release uncompressed 3 24 21,3 33,8
Screen layout
the Lohman organ from the Catharijnekerk in Heusden

Tab A : Foto's (Photos)

Organfront and console
The church

This tab shows the organ front and console and, if you click on the picture, you can see the church.

Tab B : Eenvoudig (Simple)
So-called Simple Panel

On this tab, we see a simpler representation of the stops more suitable for users of touch screens.
All stops and playing aids specifically made for Hauptwerk are underlined here.

Tab C : Schakelaars (Switches)

Most elements of this page need not actually be visible but are still of interest if only to give a bit of an idea of what needs to be done to get a sample set of this magnitude working. Just remember that behind every (manual) stop control there are 56 long, 56 long release, 56 medium release, and 56 short-release samples. In addition there are also 56 tremulant and 56 tremulant release samples for the Hoofdwerk. The same applies to the pedal with 30 samples (here without tremulant). In total approximately 25,000 samples.

Some stops are divided into a bass and discant section. The button "REG. GEDEELD" (Reg. shared) allows you to enable or disable this feature. The divided stops are: Vox Humana 8'; Trumpet 8'; Praestant 8' RP and Dulciaan 8'.

Furthermore, you will find the buttons "Trekker Geluid" (Draw Knob Sounds) and "Toets Geluid" (Key Sounds) which are self explanatory.

Furthermore, it is useful to know that if you right-click on a switch, you will be immediately directed to the appropriate voicing screen.

Tab D : Virtuele Speeltafel (The virtual console)
The virtual console

The arrangement of the stops follows the original as much as possible. To make room for some additions, the 3 shutoffs and the ventil are moved to the switch panel.
The manual coupler of this organ works by shifting the keyboard. Because this is difficult to see visually, we simply added a stop "Manuaal koppel" (Manual coupler).
In the curve above the panels, LEDs are placed that indicate whether the divided registers are coupled.
The sliders "Voor" (Front), "Midden" (Middle) and "Achter" (Rear) allows you to set the ratio of the various channels thereby determining your listening position.
If you prefer a direct sound, select a high value for "Voor" and low values for "Midden" and "Achter".
If you prefer an indirect sound, then you should adjust "Midden" and "Achter" to higher values.

The 4th slide (with the caption "RP") is definitely not a swell pedal but a volume control for the entire Rugpositief. The button "Volume - RP reset" returns it back to the normal volume.

The button "Calcant" turns on the blower motor.

The keyboards have been extended by 2 keys f''' to g''' while the pedal was extended by 3 keys from d' to f'.

Tab E : Wind
Het windmodel

This tab shows a schematic representation of the wind supply for this organ. With the various sliders you can control the flow of wind for the bellows and the various chests. The "R" or reset buttons, allow you to return to the settings that, in our view, yield the best results. With the button "Sygsoft" below on the right, you can reset all six sliders at once.

Should you decide not to load a portion of this sample set (e.g. your computer RAM is too small and you choose to omit all "Rear" samples) then the wind consumption is reduced by 33% and the organ becomes much less sensitive to the wind than it actually is.
In this case, go to Organ settings / Organ preferences / Wind supply model and choose a value of around 150%. Should you load only one position, e.g. "Middle," (thereby reducing the wind consumption by 66%) then you must set this value to about 300% to obtain the same result.
Obviously you can select any value you wish if the organ's behaviour is not to your liking. If the Wind Supply Model-tab is left unchecked, you can completely disable its function.

Tab F : Linker- en rechterpaneel (Left- and right panel)
The left panel
The right panel

For players working with 2 touchsreens here a left and right screen. The format is broadly similar to that of the tab "Speeltafel".
At the top of each screen there are 2 LEDs wich indicate whether the shared registers are linked.

You listen to the Lohman organ from the Catharijnekerk in Heusden